Orignal Artwork!

Welcome, Here we showcase Orignal artwork and stuff we can pass off as it! Artists sweat blood for their work, and becuase very few sites that aren't made by the artists themselves don't showcase anything but fanart, I want to ruin your reputation by asking you to send your orignal art to me. Well, start gocking already!



Chaostle: A intresting peice TMS sent in with his Villiantines, return of sailor chaos story. It dose show the emotion of the character very well.
Mewd and TMS Another picture TMS did for me a while back, its a portrait of both of our alter egos! Thanks again.
Older TMS A peice portraying a older TMS, nicely down, and the sketch like texture adds to it.
Racku A great picture of a younger looking Racku.
Colored Racku Development art TMS did when makeing his character Racku, though younger then mostly seen, it still a good picture of him.
Colored Racku 2 Yet another great picture of Racku wearing a black and blue tunic. Neat.
Humewd TMS made me a picture of my alter ego as a human. <^_^>
Black and white Racku Another great picture of TMS's Racku.
Earth Mage TMS A young looking TMS in robes.
Racku and Peach Peach and Racku stand at a bridge facing one another, Racku is dressed like duo-maxwell from gundum-wing.
Diamond TMS dose a fine job on his new zonian character Diamond. A teenage anthromorphic cat girl.
Satina Vicious An innocent smile for a being of pure evil. Irony hurts. From TMS' RPGmaker game Rise of Darkness
Ordera A new drawing of TMS' Ordera.
Chimu in-a-suit Title can't be much more blunt.
Chimu Trian A robed Chimu that looks oddly like Gremio from suikoden.
Gel Gillian A drawing of Gillian made with gel pens.
Gel Marta A drawing of TMS' new Zelda character Marta made in Gel pen.
Forest Squirerels Watch me fail to come up with worthwhile descriptions for worthwhile content!
MSpaint fun time TMS comic! 1 2 3 Watch me fail to come up with worthwhile descriptions for worthwhile content!
Girls Trio, Marta, Gillian, and Ordera's disembodied heads in a lovely gel-pen work.
Chimu Comic, Chimu comes out with a monologue about certain comments about his appearance.
Black Angel, Er, black angel. Yes.
Kaymatt, Yeah. Wait, what?
Purple Dragoness, Contrary to the title, only her robes are purple.
Oder Dragon, Another nice dragoness picture that is possibly much more Oder then the last.
Beach Couples , Vertically challenged.
Tiger and dragon, Anthropomorphic couple.
Tiger Co, A tiger's face.
It's chimu, what'd you expect? Self explainitory.
Boybands Nodin and Chimu make better boy band members then reality counter parts, atleast they play instruments.
Preist Chimu Chimu in preists garb. Gee, my descriptions are getting redundant.
Tiger and Dragoness, again Leaning into the others arms, sleepy.
Racku Ankiec Racku looking a bit stunned once he's told the camera's are rolling despite his current state of being. Color!
Chimu Guy Chimu with, *gasp*, shorter hair.
Chimu Himora What Chimu would look like as a Rurouni Kenshin style character.
Silence of The Petals Remake Right-o
SD Chimu Super defooooorrrrmmmmmed
Plushie Chimu PLUSH TOYYYYY!
Black Hair Chimu The shere unbridled horror.
Stoker Antro Metamorphisis TMS draws Stoker Bramwell. Doo!
Color Anthro Colored version of the above.
Chimu and Derian small Isn't Chimu ALREADY small though?
Chimu Green and Silver It's Chimu with Silver and green pants. Truly awe inspiring. Beware, you may be hypnotized by their wonders.
Neo And Ketchup in Marker MARKERS
Nodin and Marta TMS' two Zelda-esque characters.
Nodin Eye Nodin with some sort of funky tattoo. Er, that IS just a tatto, isn't it?
Chimu Angel Er, yes. My descriptive prowess fails again.
Brice Badge Anthro Con Badge for TMS's Furry character Brice.
Dorin I have absolutely no idea.
Simple Chimu MSpaint fuuun
Full Nodin Big, full color picture of Nodin Caldain
Yami Chimu What Chimu would look like provided he got possesed by an anceint eygptian pharoh spirit that likes card games.


Futile Smash made this after we had finished a chat RPG, a great picture of a red dracion, or atleast I think... the temptress? Ah, my head hurts.

Corruption A antrhomorpic dragon being consumed in darkness.

Luircin One of Smash's characters sitting by a tree stump examining a butterfly.

Smash Draco A self protrait of Smash's character as an anthromorphic dragon.


These pictures lack fakey mustaches on officail artwork, bring me back to the art section.
I'm tired of all this color and varity, take me to the main page so I can stare at the black and white format 'til I go blind.