
These are the only remaining documents makeing it law that dogs are required to wear pants

First and formost, I really doubt anyone will read the guidelines before sending stuff in becuase its just logical, but I'll put these here anyway so people can say "oops" aloud five seconds after sending me a story thats three scentences long with merely the word "spoot" repeated over and over.


I want all submitees not to worry about limitations, as there really aren't any aside from that those stories that approch extream adult themes will probbally be rejected, I want to try and keep a pg-13 rating at most for the site, but I will allow stories that are rated R to be posted if they are in good taste. All stories that have a X rateing shall be rejected imedeitly. Feel free to attach a midi you want posted with your story to your e-mail, I don't wanna pick a midi that dosen't suit how the writer feels one to be assciated with the story. Zip files are welcome. You may also wish to tell me the color scheme you want for the story, otherwise if its accepted it will be in black and white. I don't always pick midis for stories unless felt somewhat compelled to, so its wise to pick one out you want, if you want one. On a final note I'd prefer you don't send me unfinished stories, however I will accept them if your stories is rather long, and in chapters. Still I insist you wait till finishing before submiting as some people may never finish their stories and I will just have cluttered web space with numerus stories no one will ever see the end of. If you don't wanna trust me with writing a summery, and I have no clue why you would, include a sypnos of the story.


As said before, I want the artists to feel free about what they make without worry about limitations, however I doubt I will accept things that are horribly graphic unless in good taste. Feel free to send multiple works via Zip. No BMP's if you don't mind, I like having SOME space on my site for other things. If you don't wanna trust me with writing a description for the piece, then include your own.

Poems n' riddles

The only limitations is with riddles, things like... What do you get when... knock knock... etc, aren't allowed, there may be a fine line between jokes and riddles but REALLY bad jokes aren't allowed. Feel free to send any midis that you want posted with your poems and riddles as well. Color schemes are automatically black and white if none other is said to be prefered in the e-mail. It helps if its not a virus as well.

Flukes, Comics, and Humor

The guidelines are simple for this one, send me something that ammuses me and I'll post it, nothing nasty if you may. Its a daunting task to make me laugh, be warned.


If you want to submit a Guest Msting, it might be wise to get the authuers permission if you can, also I refuse to post any MSTings of lemons. I know lemons suck and are easy to mock but its still perverted, and I'd rather keep stuff like that away from my page. You're free for whatever else you want to do with it, remember it helps to get me to laugh, and try not to fall into crow syndrome.

Contributer Bios

Authuer bios is a odd subject, first off I want them to mainly contain information about the contributer, I will allow some things about a authuers alter ego if they have one but would prefer not. Its nice to cotain a E-mail address, or IRC number, or MSN, SPIM, or AIM screen name if you have one. Your free to post any other information you wish.

Anime and gameing Reveiws.

Reveiws should contain commentary, Statics aren't enough. Sarcasem helps IMMENSELY. If you can make me laugh in a reveiw you may just get a moogle on the page of honor! Of course, I want you to feel free to say what you will in the reveiw itself but don't be perverted. And remember, theres only so many ways you can make fun of mega man 'til it gets old enough to be proclaimed dead in most countries.

Camp fire tales

Just go to the boards and post, no real rules, just write. Oh, and you guessed it, perfered that you don't write perverted stuff.

Submiting rules for the guidelines section

You have to ruin everyones fun the minute they start reading the page sending them into a raging fit of anger. Make the rules complicated and hard to understand makeing it impossible to submit anything that will get posted.


Infrequntly asked questions that no one desires to know the ansewers to.

Like nearly every other website on the net, I've put up questions and ansewers page dispite the fact that I've never been asked any questions listed. The lack of logic baffles but atleast it may serve some meaning, of which I have no clue of.

Q Is it alright if I barrow/take/steal any Images/stories/art/articles/anything I can get my hands on?

A It depends on the item you desire, Artwork, Poems and Stories submitted by artists and writers can only be given the right to be taken by the artists/writers. You'd have to request it from them before hand, then you'd be allowed to take them. Images themselves off the site are really undeicded on the situation, alot of the images have been used on many sites and I think that makes them public domain, but I would prefer that if I'm useing any artwork that the artist dosen't want me to use should Contact me I'll give them proper credit if they allow me to use them. Same goes with midis, etc. My web pets are not allowed to be stolen under any circumstance.

Q Hey, what the heck!? Your webpage lacks any dull legal data that prevents you from getting sued by big large companies.

A True, so I'll post it here. Anyway, all characters and/or places in fan fiction, fan art, or anything else that is owned by a company of any sort dose belong to them, these are merely works of fandom in graditude for what these companies have done. The art and works belong to the writers and authuers, and the characters and places belong to their creators. In no way was any of this used for profitable gain. Any characters or places that have been added to a existing world (IE if someone made a new character in the mario brothers universe) those belong to the authuer of the story, unless taken from a differnt story where as they will belong to that authuer. Any who in short, everything belongs to who created it, the works of fandom belong to the people who made them, but all characters and places used from anywhere else belong to the company or whoever owns them. Please don't sue me. Now I bet you wished you hadn't asked.

Q Hey, I noticed that several midis on your site are from a video game called 'princess maker 2', can I exploit this? Please?

A Not really, unless you'd like me to exploit the fact you reconize them.

Q Hey, there are several things on your site I'm sure you took without asking, I SHALL SMITE THEE FOR THE WILL OF JUSTICE! TASTE THE HAMMER OF JUSTICE!

A True, becuase I never bothered to save the names or links of people I got midis and images from, I don't know what to post in my hall of fame in their name, and becuase I'm lazy I don't bother to go tramping about the net in search of whereever I got a hold of them. However if you see anything you know you made, and your not credited for it in the hall of fame, contact me and I'll make up for it.

Q When will the Marshfeild electric and water department sue you for stealing the abreviation 'Mewd'?

A I don't know! Are they here?! Hide me!

Q Are you a pokemon? If so, can I poke you? I expect you to giggle and say 'woohoo'.

A Let me make this perfectly clear for all of those who persist and asking this. I am NOT in any way related to nintendo, or their pokemon Mew(TM, rights reserved, copy right). I made this name becuase mew is the sound a cat makes, I stuck a D on the end becuase thats the first letter of my real name. Its not very clever but I'm only a half leiterate doofus with no life.

Q You realize that no one has actually questioned your guidelines, and that these questons were entirely made by you in anticipation and boredom of future questions you'll never receive, right?

A Yep.


Rules suck! I'm going back to the main page to flame you for haveing them!