The Mask of Ka-Chiri 2: Shattered Dreams, by TMS

Part 1: Shattering of the Mask

"No... No... NO... NO!" TMS cried, for he was the thin line between reality and the mask here.

"Oh, come now... You don't want to meet my cellmates? You try living with them for a hundred or so years and you might just get to thinking like me..." Racku smiled.

"I said no!" TMS growled angrily.

"They only listen to me with one ear... So you're going to meet them anyways..." The older gaurdian warned.

"Your lordship Racku..." a dark shadowy figure crept over to him and began to whisper.

"What? You want to... No... We'll have to... Ah... yes..." Racku whispered back.

"Who?" TMS watched the shadow creep away questioningly.

"Oh, that's just one of the six deadly sins... They may call it seven, but I'm really not a sin..." Racku brushed it off casually.

"He called you lordship..." TMS looked at him suspiciously.

"Well... Yes... I'm the lord of the sins here..." Racku fidgeted with his hair nervously. It looked oftly out of place for him to do.

" I think you're hiding something! I'm going to find it out!" TMS stood up and walked toward Racku.

Racku immediatly brought his hand out, it's palm filled with something and blew it into TMS's face. He watched TMS faulter in his step.

"What..." TMS barely got that part of his question out.

"Always question what sin... That was the sin of sleep..." Racku tsk-tsked, "Now it's beddy-bye time for a little boy who is far from what a King should be." As this was said, TMS fell to the floor dazed, drifting off to sleep. "Oh, I'm dreadfully clever sometimes... He really thought I would do something so foolish as to fidget with my hair when I'm nervous!"

"Your lordship..." the half animal sin called in a gutteral voice, "We are ready..."

"Oh good..." Racku grinned, "Next time we must be trickier! This was an easy job!"


TMS's eyes fluttered open and he had to cover them, for it was a great contrast to the darkness he had been in meer moments ago it seemed. The sun was shining bright on his face and he wondered if he were still dreaming.

"Oh, come now! Wake up!" Racku nudged him in the side with his boot, "Sleeping powder isn't going to make you sleep for all eternity!"

TMS was startled as this combination reached his brain. Sunlight? Racku? His eyes shot open to see that the were in the real world now. "Where are all you little coherts?" he asked.

"Oh, I took care of them... Sometimes I amaze myself... But that's hard to do... I told them that they could not kill you to set us free... So they sacraficed their lives to set me free... So here I am, minionless... Here you are... Weak and sleepy..."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing much right now... Just ensure that within a week I'll have my final battle... Look about you child... You're in the Starian Castle...

TMS looked about and didn't like what he saw. The main hall was crumbled and it looked nothing like what he had seen.

Racku saw the look on the boy's face and laughed, "Don't be ridiculous! This is the OLD Starian Castle, silly boy! The one I grew up in!"

"Oh..." TMS stood up and wondered how Racku could take any pride in this place. It was a mess. Burnt black and crumbling, it seemed no room was completely in tact save one.

"It's still here..." Racku mused, laying his hand on the firm wall instead of opening the door. "Funny... It seems much smaller than I use to remember it..."

"What? What is it?" TMS looked at him strangely, all the while pondering why Racku hadn't attacked and killed him yet.

"It's my room... amazing isn't it?" he opened the door and was shocked, "It's just as I left it!"

A pile of books were scattered across his bed, still semi neat though. A picture of a pretty young woman was atop a desk that seemed miraculous to still be there, let alone in perfect condition. A book shelf that boasted many original volumes of what were considered rare and classic literature stood off in one corner.
in the center and oaken chest, still glittering underneath the years of dust, sat, yearning to be opened.

Racku picked up the picture off the desk, looked at it a moment, and sighed, setting it down so he could not see it. "I suppose she's long gone now... Oh how I longed to be here, left and forgotten by time for all eternity instead of my dark enprisonment cell..." He knelt before the chest and flung it open. It happily creaked, the lid giving way for it's master's return. "Time to get rid of these dreadful clothing..." Racku muttered about the green tunic he was wearing, "I'm tired of looking at it for the last century..."

TMS frowned, wondering what this was all about. He had always imagined the boy in the legends of the mask to be tall, muscular with a deep voice, piercing eyes and no mercy. This Racku seemed rather friendly and inconspicuous. It was almost as if he were talking to a Racku that wouldn't hurt a thing, that the cold insensitive Racku was somewhere locked in the mask still and he looked just as TMS imagined.

"Ha ha! Oh how I missed this outfit!" Racku swirled about in the black tunic, blue turtle neck and blue pants he had donend while TMS was lost in thought. "Oh right... I have to take care of you... Hm... She's in here somewhere..." he scavenged through the chest, spilling clothes out the sides as he looked for whatever this 'she' might be. "Ah ha! Oh Entel! Did you miss me?"

TMS backed up and gasped. "A female sword?!"

Racku shot him a glance as cold as ice. "Are you insulting me?"

"Uh... No... No..." TMS backed up, "I've just never seen a female sword..."

"That's cause Entel... She's the only one... Mother was so clever to give me a unique blade like Entel..."


"Um..." Racku looked a little embarassed, "Rather unusual huh? My Mother forged Entel for me... My father refused to even train me with a sword..."

"Uh..." TMS backed up a little farther. "Who were your parents?"

"Odera Masus Kasara-Chiri of Aluca, the southern tip of Staria... Aratalen Kasara-Chiri of Balacu, former Star Guardian Capital..."

"Aratelen? I read of him... He was the first to make movements toward peace... You defied him by battling King Nicholas Koopa and winning..."

"I defied him in no way! I was obeying my mother!" Racku crossed his arms and turned his head.

TMS finally realized why Racku was nothing like he'd thought. He acted just like a child when he was fully himself. "Tell me Racku... When were you imprisoned?"

"Oh, you should know very well! It was the day of my 16th birthday! The day before the Winter Light Festival!"

"Ah..." TMS briefly recalled the Light Festival's legend. If a child was born the day before the festival, he was blessed with youth, and that child would bring peace to the warring nations of Plit. "So you are the chosen hero..."

"Hero?! Are you insane?! I just came here for revenge! That's all I want!" Racku, enraged with TMS, swung Entel for a clean cut.TMS closed his eyes, prepared for death, but it didn't come. Racku burst out laughing, "You thought I was gonna kill you, didn't you?!"

"Yes..." TMS sighed with relief, then realized what Racku had actually done. "ACK! You cut my hair!"

"I told you I was gonna make sure you'd battle me! If I don't kill you, time will! Bring friends! I enjoy a good battle!" Racku was gone in a flash of light.

Part 2: Embarking on an Adventure

Author's Note: Whenever someone joins TMS's party, I will put * (insert name) has joined TMS's Party! *

TMS looked down at the cobblestone floor. He felt melancholy, almost ready to give up and let Racku have his way. With his hair cut, he was a human... Even worse... A human with a life span of one week. He had been warned of such things long ago, now his worst fears were being played out in what seemed like a distorted blur of quickness. He fell to his knees.

He looked up only to see something that startled him. A blue blur with ears like triangles. It's tail seemed to whip about anxiously, it's armor strangely echoed coldness. TMS could hardly understand all of this in his highly emotional state.

"I was told I'd find you here... It was whispered in the wind to me by a voice that was not of this world..." the now clear cat creature held out one of it's paw like hands, "Please... Come with me... I have been instructed to take you to the Mushroom Kingdom..."

TMS wiped the tears that had blurred his vision from his cheeks and took the outstretched hand, "Thanks Mewd... I needed a familiar face about now..."

"It's no problem, really... I am to journey with you to defeat the evil..."

"Alright," TMS responded, using Mewd's hand to help himself up.

*Mewd has joined TMS's party!*

Beyond a few battles with small Koopa task forces, the journey to the Mushroom Kingdom was uneventful. TMS was dismayed by this, but Mewd continued to drag him along, no matter how much effort it took. So it was that they ended up before the Mushroom Kingdom item shop.

"We have to go in for items..." Mewd warned.

"I don't want to..." TMS leaned against the building and slowly sank down. "I feel like curling up in a corner and dying..."

"If you do that, so will Plit..."

"I'm not a war hero! Send someone like SS on this forsaken quest! I'm mortal as of now! I can die just like you! I tell you, if someone were to spill my blood across the pavement now, I would die just as you would..." He put his arms around his knees and rested his head on his legs. Rocking back and fourth, he burst into tears.

"Listen to me, TMS... I know that you're upset, but you don't have to be... Look at your options... Face Racku as I was told you must... Or die worthless, pathetic and alone..."

"I can't do this! I'm not a trained warrior like SS... I'm not an insane war hero like Racku... I'm not a dictator bent on world domination like Bowser... I can't do this... Mewd... Help me..."

As if someone had heard his plee, a boy walked out of the item shop and, for some unknown reason, turned to his right where Mewd and TMS were. He knelt down, feeling he should do something, "What's wrong?"

"In 7 days and 6 nights, I must gather a party of adventurers to battle a distant relative of mine who happens to be a war hero gone mad... The only skills I really have are diplomacy..." TMS ran a hand over his face, wiping away the tears.

"Jon..." The boy extended his hand in an offer of friendship.

"Chimu Kasara-Chiri... Everyone calls me TMS..." TMS took it.

"Alright then, TMS... I suppose since I have nothing better to do, I could help you... I have some skill..."

"Thank you... But I don't know... I feel as if something is missing... Perhaps I should recruit SS instead? After all... He is a warrior by nature..."

"No, heaven's no!" Mewd insisted, "Do you remember what happened last time you went into battle with SS fighting under your command?"

TMS thought back, "I won?"

"Yes... More..."

"SS abandoned my party half way through the journey to Arasantu?"

"Yes... more..."

"SS and I got into a huge fight and I ended up unconcious for a few hours, he ended up with a nice slice in his shoulder which later became a nifty new battle scar?"

"There ya go... Do you want a repeat of that now that you're mortal?"

"No! For Rarato's sake, no!" TMS's eyes widened as the realization hit him that SS would kill him before Racku had a chance. With SS, it would merely be the warrior forgetting who he was fighting and that it was a friendly challenge.

"I suggest you accept Jon's offer... Jon, I'm Mewd..." he reached out a furry paw to Jon.

"Nice to meet you..." Jon shook it.

"Alright then..." TMS stood, "Thanks for the offer, Jon... I think I'll be taking you up on it..."

"Good." Jon responded.

*Jon has joined TMS's party!*

"We're on our way to the Princess's Castle..."


Part 3: Two Plumbers and a Princess

After purchasing a few items at the store, they all three agreed upon heading out to the castle where they'd recruit The Mario Brothers. Little did they know that that wasn't how it was going to be.

"You're taking me... I've met Racku before..." Peach announced.

"Peach... I don't know if it's a wise idea for you to come along..." TMS responded.

"And why not? You're a Starian Prince, a higher rank in society than me, and you're going. I don't see what keeps me from going..."

"Just let Mario and Luigi handle this..."

"No." she looked him in the eyes, a rather serious expression on her face, "I know that if I don't go, something terrible will happen..."

"Fine then..." then he muttered under his breath, "Stubborn Mushroomer Royalty..."

*Princess Peach Toadstool has joined TMS's party!*

"We're ready..." Mario looked to his tall younger brother, and then back to TMS.

*The Mario Brothers have joined TMS's party!*

"Good... We're heading into Koopa territory now."

"OK... We're ready for that... What's Bowser up to this time?"

"We're recruiting him..."

"Recruiting him?!"


"You can't recruit him! He won't work for any cause with you!" Mario argued.

"He will this one..."

"It'll be your funeral not mine..."

TMS smiled, it was an almost underhanded secretive smile, the kinda of smile you used when you were a smuggler or a thief or something sneaky. Perhaps even a smile you used when you were a Koopa. Within minutes, the entire party was ready to journey. They set off and this time were met by something surprising.

"Well, well... What have we here?" it was a man never before seen in this world.

"Who are you?!" Luigi stepped forward.

"I am the servant of Utuha..."

TMS looked surprised, "Utuha?! That name has not been used for many, many years! It was..."

"It was my Lordship Racku's Battle Title... 'Demon of Torment', quite a good choice if you ask me..."

"This is not possible! He has Plitian connections after only an hour?!"

"Plitian? You think I come from this pitiful planet?" the young man laughed, brushed his black hair back, then continued, "I am of the planet Asoma. My name is Esuru. I was a student of the class that studied your little rock in space... Now I'll battle with that knowledge!"

TMS didn't draw his sword, but Esuru charged his powers. "Why do you want to fight us?"

"You are the infamous Chimu Kasara-Chiri, aren't you? Well, Chimu... I was a big fan of the Koopa Guardian war period... I'm bringing it back!" he then realeased the power.

TMS caught the blast sent at him. "Ah... A Level Five Dark Mana Blast? Very nicely done... You just forgot one thing... I'm of a highly magical nature, this wouldn't have hurt me..." He threw it to the ground and the energy dispersed. "I suppose you want me to do something? Then I shall.." With that he held his hand up at it seemed like orange light was collecting around him, then it became clear what it was. He was being surrounded by fire.

Esuru's eyes widened as he realized he couldn't possibly guard the Koopa Territory from them. If he was not killed by Magic, there were skilled warriors behind the child. "I'll be back! Just wait!" with that he vanished in a cloud of thick black smoke.

"Bluffing is good..." TMS put his hand down and the fire subsided. "I probably wouldn't of hit him with my Level Ten Blazing Flame..."

Mewd calmly took his hand from the hilt of his sword, " I thought for a moment we might have to battle him..." Others nodded in agreement with the cat creature.

"Well, let's get going..." Jon broke the silence, and so the trek continued as the day darkened, and soon they were camped out for the night.

TMS kept watch as the others slept, hopeful that should Esuru return now he could scare him off alone. After several hours had passed, a hand touched TMS's shoulder.

"Hey... I'll take over from here... You get some sleep, ok?" Jon seemed to be rather awake as he watched TMS wake up from his half slumber to realize what Jon had said. And so our 'Hero' finally nods off for a restless night's dreams.

As the sun rises over the monstrous Castle Koopa, TMS wakes up. He stands up, startled for a moment. He knows that by now he is completely human, that what little Guardian Powers he has left are weak versions of his fire powers. Most likely the best he could muster would be a Level Two Spark.

"So what's the plan oh fearless leader?" Luigi cracked a smile, "I mean.. Bowser's not just gonna welcome his greatest enemies and a Kasara-Chiri kid into his house with open arms..."

"We know that..." Mewd remarked, unpacking several of the items they had bought at the store.

"It's a simple fact that he won't recognize me..." TMS grabbed one of the items, it happened to be red face paint. After sticking two fingers in it, he streaked lines out from the left corner of his left eye and the right corner of his right eye, giving him an effect similiar to a style he vaguely recalled having seen before.

Mewd instantly recognized it, "Isn't that the way that kid we saw at this year's Festival of Spores had his face painted?"

"Yeah... That kid with the cape..." Mario nodded agreeing.

"Nodin..." TMS thought back to the first time Racku had been set free. It felt as if a gash had been opened across his chest and lemon juice poured into it. In a great act of cowardice, he had drawn Nodin into this entire thing. It was his task to defeat Racku in battle. He walked towards the large castle and called over his shoulder, "stay here... I'll be back..."

"HALT! What business have you with the Koopa Klan?!" A large hammer brother inquired

"I am.. Taron of Kohalint Island off the southern coast of the main continent of Hyrule... I hail from a parallel world and wish to speak to your leader for a war has broken out between we, the humans of Hyrule, and the dominant species known as Hyrulian... The Hylians and Sheikah refuse to side with either as do the Gorons and Zora... We seek assistance in this battle... We reward our allies greatly..." TMS lied.

"Uh... Er... Yeah... I'll let ya in ta see King Bowser..." The hammer brother opened the door and let him inside.

The main entrance, an entrance he had not used since the peace talks when he was young, lead him directly to the main audience chamber, and there stood Bowser, not at all amused. "Who are you and what the heck are you doing in my castle?!"

"Well, Well, King Koopa... You should train your guards better..." he wiped away the paint.

Suddenly Bowser understood who it was. "GET OUT! GET OUT NOW! I've had enough of your curse-ed family!"

"No. It comes down to this. Give your kingdom to Racku, or fight beside me."

"Wonderful... Family Fight... I'm not getting involved in this... I've got family of my own to fight.. Daren... Corola... Aden... Their Children... My children... My wife..."

"Well, you're in a terribly good mood... Any other day you'd have had me thrown out by now..."

"A run in with the man who tried to exterminate my family and finding out that he's sentenced to imprisonment, that he's gonna die a horrible and drawling death... That puts me in a good mood..."

"Your thirst for vengeance is great... Are you sure you don't want the honors yourself?"

"I do... But not for the price of joining you on a quest that's as hopeless as anything else..." It was rather obvious Bowser was ready to cave in to his blood thirst for revenge on Racku.

"Nicholas Koopa... 23 at death... Instant rival of Kasara-Chiri head prince Racku... Beheaded in the Koopa Guardian war... Racku became a celebrated hero for his victory over Nicholas... Racku made the final cut... Right below the jaw... Nicholas didn't even see it coming..."


"Nicholas's head was retrieved by a soldier and delivered by Racku himself to her Ladyship Olivia Koopa widow of Nicholas... The three month old child of Nicholas and Olivia, it was agreed by Olivia and Racku, would never fight a battle..."

"Fine! I'll go! Just stop!"

*King Bowser Koopa has joined TMS's party!*

"I'll need more help... The Koopalings?"

"They're out on business... But there is..."


"Blackbelt... The newest edition to my troops... He's got some skill... That's for sure... He's rather... Disobediant... Though..."

"Don't worry... I have ways... Just take me too him..."

Bowser gave him a questioning look, then grinned and led the way to this 'Blackbelt'.

Part 4: Third Daughter of the Second Wife

They didn't meet with who they expected as they passed through the halls, for unable to find the strange Koopa-like warrior they had decided to leave. At the door, talking to the guards, was a girl with purple hair and reptilian skin.

"I'm sorry... King Koopa is in a meeting..." the troopa told her. He turned around and his eyes got big as he saw his lord standing next to a now hooded figure.

"I'm no longer in a meeting... But who is she?" Bowser inquired.

"I am the third daughter of the second wife of Daren Koopa... In other words, I'm your niece..." she responded for herself.

"What are you? I know for a fact Daren never married a proper Koopa girl... His first wife was a nymph..."

"I'm half human..."


"Who's that beside you, Uncle Bowser?"

A glint of blue eyes caught her attention as the hooded figure lifted it's gaze. "I am Chimu... What I am is of no concern to you..."

"Don't mind him... He's a foreign warrior I hired to exterminate those pesky Marios..." Bowser lied.

"Oh... May I accompany you?" she asked.

"No... You may not... What'd you say your name was?"

"Dinogirl... Dinogirl Koopa..."

"This is not a job for girls..."

"But I've heard..."

"Heard what?"

"You send your daughter on missions..."

"She's not a girl... She's an abomination..."

TMS laughed, "Abomination? No... She's more a..." he trailed off as he caught Dinogirl staring into the blackness, trying to distinguish his face, "Why do you stare at me so? There is nothing to see..."

"Then why hide it?" she responded.

"That is for me to know and you not to find out."

"Little Chimu, we meet again... Are you afraid of a girl? Tell me, can you really be afraid of such a thing?" Erusu laughed as he appeared. "Why do you hide your face from me, child? Afraid I should come to like it and decide to keep you alive to toy with?" The Asomian pushed back TMS's hood.

"Rr. Did you have to do that?!" TMS growled angrily.

Help me... Free me... For I am your final hope. It echoed around in a voice only TMS could hear and only he could recognize. He was startled as the blast came toward him and hardly had time to reflect it with his sword.

That was when something strange took place and Erusu became scared. In a sudden fury, the wind blew in, unleashing a power not even TMS knew he had. He didn't understand it, but in an instance, his hair was once again long, shining like a ray of sunlight and he was in the ancient robes of a Starian Prince. Robes that had not been worn in over fifty generations, the robes of one of the first Kasara-Chiri.

"I am the future..." It was TMS, and yet it wasn't. For somehow it didn't seem to be the same voice though it came from his lips.

"No! This isn't possible!" Erusu cried out, having recognized this power from his studies.

"I am Chimu Kasara-Chiri, and he who dares challenge that fact shall die at the hand of a true prince..."

"Uncle! You sided with a Kasara-Chiri?!" Dinogirl cried out over the howling wind.

Part 5: Return of the Starian Prince

'He's powerful... But can he handle it?' Racku watched from a distance. He was amused that the power had finally been unlocked, that someone besides him could use it. It had been so long since he had used it last, too long. A flood of painful memories washed over him and he disappeared in a flash of light, tiring of watching the boy fight.


"NO!" Erusu screamed as he watched the Kasara-Chiri prince draw magic from seemingly nowhere. He could not escape, he had already found that. "Please, no!"

TMS's unrestricted hair seemed to go white for a moment as power overcame him. It was the power that made the Kasara-Chiri the most powerful family in the universe. It was in fact a power that when used by the right person could destroy a universe, making it fold in on it's self and become one giant black hole. "The Family shows no mercy upon those who attack the unprepared." With those words he sent an almost unrecognizable attack hurtling toward the cowardly Erusu.

'A Level Fifteen Fire Essence Attack...' that was Erusu's last thought before it hit and he was hurtled into another dimension to die.

"I am the Future. I am the prince." TMS bowed his head and clasped his hands together in honor of the defeated opponent. The robes faded away and once again his hair was short. The brown cloak he had been wearing had been torn to shreds and now he stood in what he had been wearing before. A grey tunic with white trim, black pants and shiny black boots. "Huh?" he blinked and looked down at himself. 'What was that? I could swear I had no power...'

"Uncle! How could you?!" Dinogirl ran to the Koopa Warlord and slapped him across the face. "Even I know the Kasara-Chiri are enemies of ours!"

"It'd be best for your own sake that you keep this to yourself, girl. You did not see me with him and you did not see him just do that. You came to visit me and found no one home." Bowser growled angrily.

"Only if you take me with you!"

'Why go with her enemy and her traitorous Uncle if she has such a dislike for the Kasara-Chiri?' Bowser thought, suspicious of her. "Why should I bow to your blackmail? I could have you thrown in the dungeon and never come out again..."

"Because I'm the heir to your brother's throne. I'm Papa's favorite. He'd be oftly angry if you don't make sure I return to him... He might even decide to kill you, Uncle..."

A boiling rage built up in Bowser upon hearing the word papa. It was commonly used by Kasara-Chiri and the reason why he insisted upon being called King Dad by his children. Wendy had said that word once. Only once. He recalled it quite clearly, she had been a little girl, batting her pretty eyes at him and then she made the fatal mistake with that two word sentence. 'Please Papa?' He had smacked her so hard she landed twenty feet away, bawling her eyes out. That had been the last of that nonsense. She had asked for many things since then, but never used the word papa. "You ingrateful treacherous disgusting underhanded half-human nothing! You dare to use such a word as that before me?"

"What word?"

"RR! That Kasara-Chiri word!"

"What Kasara-Chiri word?"

"Nevermind then! Stubborn child!"

"Bowser, don't be so harsh... Are you coming, girl? We must go now..." TMS looked down, smiling for the first time since Racku had been unleashed by the Koopa Lord the first time. His step was light as he began to walk toward where he had left the rest of the party.

"Ha ha! I'm going with you two!" Dinogirl cried out.

*Dinogirl Koopa has joined TMS's party!*

Part 6: Venture To The Happy Island

"Chimu, Chimu, Chimu! I like that name..." Dinogirl spun around as she walked, her eyes closed. When she opened them, her uncle was unhappy by far, for there standing in the party were two familiar humans. The Mario Brothers.

"It's similiar to an Earthen name... Chima meaning 'True Ground'... It's Starian however..." TMS replied, stopping before the small gathering of people.

"Welcome back, TMS... Who's the girl?" Mewd asked, standing up.

"She's a relative of Bowser... We no longer have to worry about Erusu... I defeated him in battle..." TMS sat down for a moment and rummaged through the food supply hungrily. He hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

"TMS... What was that power you used while facing that stranger?" Bowser asked, curious.

TMS took a big bite of the apple he found, chewed, swallowed and then began to answer, "To tell you the truth... I don't know... I think it was a Fire Essence attack but I can't be sure..."

"That's not what I meant... I meant how you..."

"Managed to grow my hair back and obtain ancient starian robes? Don't know that either..." he paused for a moment before taking another bite of the apple, "Perhaps it's a power of the Kasara-Chiri? I'm not sure..."

"Did you guys see that man dissappear into thin air? The one with the red hair? I wonder who he was..." Dinogirl asked.

TMS spit out a chunk of apple, his eyes wide in surprise. He grabbed her by the shoulders. "Tell me. Did this man have his hair braided? This is very important."

Dinogirl thought back, "Yes... He did... He had red eyes too I think..."

TMS then said two words that were very unprincely and Peach gave him a scolding look. "That was Racku!" he sighed, then went back to eatting, realizing it wouldn't help to get all wound up over it.

"Where to next my Sahib?" Mewd asked jokingly.

"Don't call me that... I'm neither an Arabian Sultan of Earth nor am I above you..." TMS responded immediately.

"I don't know about that second one..." Mewd smiled.

"We're going to..." TMS paused a moment. "Someone's watching us..." he turned around in time to see a pair of golden eyes gazing out from the brush and charged forth to bring the owner of them back. So he did. It was a child not much younger than he himself. The only visible part of it was a section of it's face where it's eyes, nose, and several strand of light blue bangs could be seen. "Who are you?"

"I am Ozoma of the second house of Kasara-Chiri. I have come to avenge the death of the man who was head of the first house of Kasara-Chiri a few generations back." The young child, now easily recognized as male, replied.

"The second house... A boy child is a stranger there. How is it that you have come to be spying upon us? You should be at home, pampered as the lesser royalty of the Mushroom Kingdom are when they are male."

"I have a male cousin who sits upon the throne... I don't take well to pampering anyways. It only means I shall have to wed many girls, many of which related to me. I don't want that... I want to be free... To be settled before birth is the way they say, but I disagree that to be free from the day you can walk is how it should be. Thus I am known as the accursed Ozoma of the second house. I have come upon your encampment through hearing the despised name of that which I hunt. A man by name of Racku."

"You are after the eldest son of the honored Aratelen as well?"

"As well? Do you mean you too are after him? What reason have you?"

"I am Chimu of the first house of Kasara-Chiri. Alas I am the chosen royalty, but as you can see, I can't do anything in my current state as I am merely human and will be so until I face my distant uncle at the appointed time... The place I know not."

"I heard rumor that he could be found in a land not far from the island of Yoshis... Mind that my original goal was to destroy the wretched mask your family has carried proudly for years to that curse-ed Festival of Spores... Now I hear that some careless Prince has let the demons within it out..."

"It would be dishonorable for me to lie to you... I released Racku... No other, merely Racku."

"Do you understand a word of what they're saying?" Bowser asked quietly of the group.

"No... Not really..." Mario replied.

"Leave them be... They seem to be of the same family..." Peach scolded.

A few moments later, TMS announced "Ozoma has agreed to join our party!"

*Ozoma Kasara-Chiri has joined TMS's party!*

"Why don't you get settled then?" Peach asked.

"No... I can't... We'll be leaving soon and I noticed someone else following you." Ozoma quickly responded.

"Someone... Else?"

"Yes... I'm not sure if it's really there but-" Ozoma was interrupted as it walked into view, shimmering.

Carrying it's self in a princely manner, it seemed far out of place. It's long blonde hair was fastened in a series of loops. TMS vaguely found it to be familiar, and then it became clear both that it was a he and who he was. It looked up, "Chimu..."

TMS looked surprised as the spectral figure held out it's hand. "Why are you here?"

"You fight my brother, correct?"


"Please... Don't hurt him... for my sake..." and with that the ghostly figure of Nathan Kasara-Chiri disappeared, casting his final glance at Ozoma, a smile upon his face.

"I... I'd better go..." Ozoma paniced.

"No." TMS responded firmly. "You said you're coming with me, so you're coming with me."

"I don't wanna go anymore!"


"Chimu Zyphon 'TMS' Kasara-Chiri!" Peach scolded. "You will stop picking on that boy this instant."

TMS cringed at the use of his entire name. He disliked it and had only been called such once before by Peach. Once when he was very little. "Would you PLEASE not call me that?"

"So, your middle name is Zyphon?" Bowser grinned, "I shall have to remember that so that I may unmercifully tease you before the meeting of royal courts..."

"You do and..." TMS started to threaten.

"We have a treaty Prince of Staria, remember that."

Meanwhile, the blue haired prince had tightly fastened his arms around Peach's waist, tears streaming down his face. "Please... Don't let him hurt me."

"You hear that TMS?" Bowser, going far too soft for his normal personality, asked. "You scared him... You happy?" With the care of a father, he picked Ozoma up into his bulky reptilian arms. He had to wonder why he felt this was right. "Don't let that fake prince of the lamians scare you."

"Lamians?!" TMS cried in outrage.

"Yeah... Lame Starians..." Bowser chuckled.

"Rr. I swear upon the first of the Kasara-Chiri line that I shall have my vengeance as my ancestors before me have reeked vengance upon your scaley reptilian hides. Be weary Koopa. You have been warned."

"Yeah... Whatever... Let's get going..."

And that was how it was all the way to Yoshi's Island. Bowser and Peach defending Ozoma and TMS getting more and more furios. As they stepped foot on the island of yoshis, one of them skipped it's merry way over to Bowser.

"King Bowser..." it whispered, "It's me... Aleth... I'm in disguise as a-"

"Why did you not tell me you can do that?" Bowser grumbled angrily.

"I did but you ignored me sir..." Aleth changed his form back to that of a Koopa. That was when he noticed TMS and Ozoma. TMS did not look at all amused. "Starians!" He made a move to charge at TMS.

Bowser grabbed him quickly, having given Ozoma to Peach a while back. "No. We are not to attack them. They are our allies."

"Allies with guardians? Are you insane, sir?!"

"No. He's very smart." TMS spoke up, his sword drawn. "I suggest you follow my orders now.As long as this temporary treaty is in effect, the Koopa armies are mine to command. You will accompany us until you are no longer needed."

*Aleth Yoshpan has joined TMS's party!*

The underbrush russeled in the distance and Blackbelt muttered to himself. "Starians... I hate them... I hate everyone here..." He, the only on seated in the brush, had been planning to force Aleth to tell him how to change shape so he could return to his human form. This complicated the matter. However, if hewere to join them on this quest he might have a shot at taking Aleth out of the crowd and interrogating him about the shape changing powers.

"What was that?" Bowser asked.

"It was the brush rustling, sir. If I may add someone has been following me, sir..." Aleth piped up.

"Do you think it might be Racku?" Bowser inqcuired.

TMS shot a glance at Ozoma, "Not likely."

"What? What'd I do?" Ozoma whimpered.

"You know well."

"No I don't."

"It's just me, King Koopa Sir..." Blackbelt stood up.

'I don't like him...' TMS thought immediatly. He turned around to see Ozoma had been set down even though he was obviously lighter than he looked. He decided that now was the time to test his theory. "Racku?"

"What is it now?" Ozoma immediatly asked, then regreted doing so. He had given himself away. He pulled away the black clothing and immediatly transformed into the young firey haired man. "How...?"

"Ha ha ha... I can see the future... Poor little Racku didn't know I was the fire brand glass master, did you?"

"I have what I want." Racku grabbed Peach's hand and then both of them disappeared.

"NO! NO! CURSES!" TMS shouted at the top of his lungs.


Peach lost all sense of what she had been as she was transported to a new dimension. Racku's Dimension. She lost the fact that she was supposed to be fighting him as his dimension rewrote her thoughts and feelings. She was falling, falling into a black void, and then suddenly, he caught her.

"Peach, you need to be more careful." he smiled.

"Yes... I do... I'm sorry, my love..." It was raining light pink cherry blossom petals and Peach felt at home. 'This the yard of our house, my Darling Racku's and mine...' her mind told her. And so she walked with Racku inside.

"Mama! Papa!" the blue haired boy, looking identical to Ozoma, ran to them and at the last moment skidded to a stop, embracing his supposed parents. "I missed you while you were away on business!"

"Were you a good boy for your sitter, Orasan?" Racku asked.

"Ali was such fun!"

'Ali? I didn't create a girl named Ali...' Racku was surprised. "That's good."As the sitter passed by without acknowledging him, as if she were incredibly mad with him, he felt a cold chill. She was something of neither world, he could tell, but she was real.


"What's he done with her?!" Bowser boomed.

"I don't know..." TMS admitted.

"Why not?!"

"In order to know you must know your enemy... Racku seems to be rather... Unpredictable..."

"Well then figure him out!"

"You certainly don't have patience..."

"Look. A great enemy of mine has now captured the second love in my life. Do you know what happens to a female Koopa when she's too old to be able to produce children?"

"Frankly, I don't care about your love life."

"Well, I'll tell you anyways. She's killed. Clawdia is on the fine line and if Idon't find another wife, she's gonna die."

"So I care about this? I'm not out to save a single Koopa woman. I'm here to save the planet at this moment. You worry about her later."

Inwardly, Bowser fumed at the stubborn boy, his heart broken. "Fine... Let's get going..."

"W-wait!" Blackbelt chased after them. "I'm going with you!"

*Blackbelt Koopa has joined TMS's party!*


Racku looked up from his writing and smiled at Peach. She looked so pretty sitting there, yet he could tell something was troubling her. "What is it?"

"It's strange really..." Peach laughed, "I keep fancying myself a princess with this enormous pink gown!"

Racku's face lost all color for a moment, "Really? Is that so?"

"Well, of course you are my handsome and heroic prince..." She smiled sweetly, placing her hand over his, causing him to drop the pen.

He looked down at his hand, cupped in hers, "Really? That's hard to believe..."

"Of course, really! Don't be silly... It's easy to believe..." She looked at him closely, "But then... You're not being silly, are you? You're quite serious... Racku, what's wrong with you? You use to be a diamond among the coal of other men but now you've lost your sparkle..."

"I'm just worried... Worried that you'll decide you don't love me and go far away, never to return... I'm scared... Don't let them take you away..."

"Don't worry... I'll never stop loving you..." With that she kissed him and they left his work for a later time.


"We have to find where he is hiding..." Without warning, TMS dropped to his knees, his hands on his head, his voice raised in a high pitch cry. He regained control of himself and, careless of the pain it would bring to his hand, shattered a small nearby tree, dried and aged, with his fist. "Curses... He's not anywhere I know of... What place on Plit has cherry pe-" He stopped not completing the thought. "Of course! He's not on Plit!"

"He's not on Plit?1 then he could be anywhere in the universe!"

"No... He's here, just not as solidly here as I thought..." TMS paced back and forth, ignorant of the fact that he was about to fall through the ground. And then he was plummeting downward. He landed on something scaly, yet warm. Something living.

"Rr... Who dares to disturb me?" it's eyes glinted like silver in the darkness.

TMS tried to regain his senses and finally managed to speak. "Smash? What're you doing here?"

"Er..." the now obvious dragon paused a moment, then shrugged, sending TMS flying. THen he began to change form to the human shape TMS had seen him in most often.

"Ooh... Did you have to send me flying?" TMS placed his hand over several cuts across the right side of his face. The rock face of the wall was dangerous. The warm blood made him sick. He had almost never bled in his entire life, but now it seemed he would do so more than a normal person. His lifestyle was dangerous he now realized. It made him nausious.

"What? You're bleeding?"

"Yes. Long story..."

Something else stirred in the cave. "Smash?"

"Gillian's here too?" TMS squinted.

"Yes... Did you think I'd go anywhere without her?" Smash asked.

"I didn't see her... My night vision's oftly poor without my powers..."

"No powers, eh? I would say someone doesn't like you..."

"Yeah... Someone REALLY doesn't like me... Happens to be related to me... Could I get some help out of here?"

"Oh, don't be a baby... You can scale that wall... I made sure anyone who fell in here could climb out.

Mewd, having keen ears, heard every word of what was said and was a little uneased. Smash and he had never quite been incredible friends, they were more friendly rivals than anything else. They were both formidable opponents and never had found a way to trully beat one another.

Part 7: The Maiden and the Tall, Tall Tower

She was falling, a very, very long fall from the tall, tall tower that belonged to Booster. She wondered how many stories it would be before she plummeted to her death, another crack in the sidewalk. Her name was Makina and she was a short by human standard girl with elven ears and blonde locks. She wished that somehow she would be caught by a handsome prince and he would take her away from her pain and misery, but she knew what was to come. Death, the painful way out.


The party was surprised as it was teleported to then bottom of Booster's Tower by some unforeseen magic, and then, suddenly, Makina was falling right on top of them. She just barely missed TMS, who acting fast had dodged, but she landed on Jon easily, her full force nearly squishing him. She had also barely missed Mewd, which she might have found amusing had it been known to her that both people missed were rather desirable princes.

"AAH! GET IT OFF!" Jon screamed.

"Calm down, Jon..." TMS extended his hand to Makina and helped her up. "Hello, Miss... And your name would be?"

"Makina." she smiled gently.

"Yes... Well... We'd better be going... We have a villian to stop... You up to a fight, Smash?" TMS looked back.

"I suppose..." Smash responded.

"I'll go to." Gillian piped up.

"You'll do no such thing."

Gillian sighed, but she would not disobey Smash and join.

*Smash Sumashi has joined TMS's party!*

"Alright... We're going back..." TMS smiled.

"Can I go too?" Makina asked.

"If death and destruction is your cup of tea, sure."

"Yay! I love death and destruction!" she cheered.

"Er..." TMS made a face that seemed to say 'Is she for real?'

*Makina has joined TMS's party!*

"Makina... What kind of fighting skills do you have?" TMS asked nervously.

"Oh, I'm a sorceress! See?" Makina, in an attempt to cast a minor light spell ends up creating a huge sphere of dark matter. "Oops! I'm not very practiced yet!"

"Yeah... We can see that... Lucky for you I'm an experienced and practiced Magical Warrior Prince..." TMS waved his hand and the dark matter sphere disappeared.

"A... Prince?"

"Mm-hm... Chimu 'TMS' Kasara-Chiri, crown prince of Staria, at your service. Ready to go?"

Everyone nodded. Jon cringed knowing that Makina was coming with them.

"If you want... I could try transportation... I usually get that one right..." Makina offered.

"Ok. We're going to Yoshi's Island."

"Alright." Makina waved a hand and suddenly they were there.

TMS knelt and peered into the clear blue water. A strand of blonde fell into his face and he pushed it back, then an image came to him in the water. The voices he heard sounded distant and watery.

'Racku, sweetie... Why are you suddenly so protective?' Peach asked as she watched Racku pacing.

'He's coming... The destruction of it all... He brought a lot of them... An ice cat... three humans... two Koopas... A human-koopa... A shapeshifter... A Dragon... An Elven girl... Soon there will be another but it's unclear who...'

'Who is he?'

'A boy... A young teenage boy...'

'Why are you so afraid of him?'

'I'm not...'

And then the image faded away. "He's near..." TMS looked up.

"Who's near?" Makina asked.


"The bad guy?"

"Er... Yes..."

"I love you, Smash..." Gillian kissed the dragon who's shape was currently human. Then she turned to face TMS. "I swear if you bring him back to me in pieces, I'll ship you in a paper bag to your kingdom in more shreds than anyone can readily count."

Smash chuckled at the look on TMS's face. "You'd really do that, eh?" he queried of the fire-red haired Koopa girl.

"In a heartbeat. Be safe."

"Er... I can make no garuantees on either bringing Smash back in one piece or me being available for your shredding, Gill... But I'll try to do one or the other..." TMS smiled finally.


"I'm sorry my darling... but I must rearrange this dimension..." Racku kissed Peach. Then suddenly the entire dimension transformed into a beautiful cathedral.

Peach was kneeling in the habit of a nun. "May the lady protects us from the evil that will come, for I fear for the life of the divine angel housed here."

Racku stood up. He pulled back the hood of his monk outfit. Because of the form he had chosen, which was not human, he looked almost like a hunchback. "Sister Peach... You have done well in protecting me... I thank you..."


"He's used his power again..." TMS looked up, "And he's taken on an enlightened form... A holy form..."

"Why's that a problem?" Dinogirl asked.

"Because the form has taken a liking to him and that means I can't kill him for the simple fact that it would make me a monster..."

"Does it really matter anymore?" Mewd sighed, "We're here to protect the world... Unless you kill him and become a monster, the world dies."

"You're right... Very right..."

"I suppose I'd better go..." Gillian sighed, kissed Smash once more, and then left.

Part 8: Cathedral of the White-Winged Angel

TMS looked up to see the twinkling stars, another day passed. He sighed, ran his hands over his face and looked down. "So tired... But this isn't over yet..."

"The journey always seems long when the stakes are high." Mewd sat down beside the melancholy boy.

"I know... And I've dragged everyone into this..."

"Don't worry about us, this is fate."

"That's what I'm worried about."

"I'm sure we'll be fine."

"I don't know about that... We're not facing some deranged AKPR agent... We're facing a Starian War Hero with a criminal record... Worse, he's Kasara-Chiri..."

"What's the difference? They're all against us.. All want the world for themselves..."

"You're right... But this time... It's my battle... I've never had a true enemy before... I wish someone experienced was here to guide me... It feels like I'm being crushed by my destiny..."

"We all feel that way sometimes..."

"It hurts though and I don't know how to stop it... It hurts here..." He put his hand over his chest, "In my heart. It feels so heavy and cold when I think of what I must do."

"It's understandable... He's your uncle... I think deep inside you have forgiven him because you both want the same thing... A family..."

"No... He wants blood and death... I just want peace..."

"Alright then..." Mewd stood

Bowser rushed in and pushed Mewd away. "So, boy," he said rather cheerfully. It was rather disturbing for him to be in such a mood around the boy ruler of the race he hated. "How close are we to the enemy?"

"I don't know... Close? I can catch glimpses of where he is, nothing more..." TMS sighed.

"Good! We'll set off tomorrow morning then, right?"


"I can hardly wait..." Bowser's eyes glinted with a feverish demon delight.

TMS sighed and shook his head before getting up. 'I don't understand these Koopas...They're mostly selfish and greedy... Once they talk themselves into something they can't be talked out of it easily... And they're so blood thirsty... Am I that cold hearted? Would I kill?' He walked to his tent, settled down and felt himself drift off into an uneasy sleep.


"Utuha... Let me help you..." Peach gently placed her hands on the monk robes. She felt, under her light touch, the full body armor hidden beneath the the rough fibers. 'The blessed Armor of Light... The creators finest armor... May it aid him...'

Racku felt a tingling sensation as she said that name. He despised it, and loved it, hated it and needed it all at the same time. His inner conflicts were enough to drive a lesser man mad, but this was not what had made him what he was. It was the constant torture of one long dead that laced his dreams when he had dared close his eyes within the mask. 'Evil urchin... You had to haunt me long after I slipped the poison in your goblet... I was so tired of taking all the blame for your mistakes... When I thought I'd taken care of it... You made me this... Now I will use the power you have given me to get you out of my mind! Curse-ed mother of mine, you will be gone! When the line ends, my torture ends... This boy is the last... Ah... Such a pity... Poor Nathan... You wretched woman... Why did you make me so good at my job?! I never wanted to hurt him! He was my brother! And my father... Curse you to the underworld, evil sorceress of nightmares!'

Peach pulled the robes away to reveal a milky white armor and a pair of white wings. "How I wish I were in such favor with her Ladyship the creator... Ah... To fly... To serve the goddess's every whim..."

"You wouldn't like it..."


"I've found it..." TMS allowed his hand to hover over the surface of the watery bubble-like dome. It was the portal to Racku's dimension and it lay open.

"Smash!" Gillian cried out, leaping down from the trees.

"Gill! No!" TMS screamed.

That was how they entered the dimension. Gillian had landed in Smash's arms, setting him off balance and knocking everyone into the portal. TMS hadn't time to make sure it was safe.

* Gillian Koopa has joined TMS's party!*


"They're here..." Racku sighed.

"Already?" Peach questioned.

"It was a girl... The last party member... A Koopa female... She knocked them in unprepared..."


"Where are we?" Smash looked around, Gillian still in his arms.

"The Cathedral of the Black-Winged Angel. It's sacred ground..." TMS scanned himself over. "I feel... Strange..."

"You look strange..." Dinogirl reassured that the boy wasn't going crazy. She laid her hands on TMS back and pressed hard. "It moves..."

"Ow... That hurts..." TMS cried out.

Mewd tapped TMS's shoulder. "I thought so... You've got armor on under that Monk Robe."

"Monk Robe?!" TMS looked down and saw he was indeed wearing a monk robe. It pulled off to reveal glimmering black armor and something unexpected. Black wings. "I'm an... Angel..."

"I wouldn't say that... The Koopa religion states this clearly..." Bowser smiled evilly "‘If thou wear the color black in mock of a holy form, thou art evil in guise and nothing more.' Welcome to the Koopa world, kid. You're just as sinful as anyone else." Then the evil glint returned. "So, kiddo... I don't have all day... Where's this villain of yours?"

"He's in the Cathedral of the White-Winged Angel..." TMS muttered in reply.

"Well, let's go."

"Hold it." A voice called from the dark. It sounded like a serpent for it began to make a hissing sounds soon after that was said. It stepped out of the shadows to reveal what seemed to be a twisted version of a Koopa. "I don't really belong here..." It whispered, "I'm not living... But I followed him here... You see... Racku was my son... I've seen what he's become... Chimu... You must kill him..."

"No... No, no... No... I won't do that... What kind of mother would say that about her son, anyways?!" TMS backed away from the creature.

"The kind who was killed by him... He was a terror when he was young too..."

"Don't listen to her!" a voice abruptly shouted. It was a beautiful young woman clothed in white. Her hair was blonde, her eyes a wonderful hazel. She had a face that radiated beauty, yet screamed at TMS that the features were familiar.

Then, suddenly, it hit him. He recalled the first time he'd gotten a good look at Racku's face. It was the same. The same slanted eyes, the same thin eyebrows, the same small slightly pointy nose. The only difference was the fact that she had those features set in a more feminine style.

"Begone wretched creatures!" the shadow that had suddenly been cast cried out, "The boy is now mine. I have been charged with him by Racku."

"You can't have him!" the white clothed woman put her arms about TMS. "You demented creature... You sadistic thing..."

"Take him Soralin... He's yours... You're such a darling man... I'm sure you know what to do with the boy..." the twisted Koopa smiled grimly.

"I swear you lay hand on him and I shall freeze the wretched underworld both of you come from for all eternity!"

"Try it, lady... Racku will not prevail in this battle! I, Odera, shall conquer all!"

"TMS. We're gonna have to team up with everyone in your party for this... Odera is a very powerful sorceress and I'm only a Guard Spirit..."

"Got it... You guys ready?" TMS drew his blade from the strange new side scabbard.

"Ready as we're gonna be." Smash growled as he slowly returned to his normal form.

"Ready." Makina held the sphere of light above her head.

"Let's go." Jon nodded.

Smoke and ash flared from Bowser's nostrils as he breathed out, he nodded his head as he inhaled air, ready to breathe fire. He gave a thumbs up signal.

"I will fight with all my strength." Gillian readied herself.

TMS was surprised as in a sudden burst his magic kicked in, as if on command. He could feel it pulsating through his veins. The power to summon fire.

"Power of ice, I summon you, make of me a warrior! Ka-riiiii!" suddenly the lady in white was covered in icy armor not much different from Mewd's.

Then it leapt forth. It was a nimble lizard, obviously Soralin. "Lovely boy... You'll make such a play thing for me... Are you a natural blonde?"

That was the final straw. TMS was furious. Fire flared up out of nowhere. The blade came down in the middle of Soralin's skull and didn't stop until it reached the floor.

"I should be doing that to you..." Odera grinned, "Splitting heirs is one of my bad habits..."

"Clever pun, but it wasn't funny." TMS remarked.

In a flare of darkness her twisted form became one of slender beauty. A flare of fire red hair, the glimmer of haunting evil pale red eyes, a flash of moonlight pale skin and she was no longer what she had momentarily appeared to be.

"Can't fool me... You're ugly as sin under that exterior. Evil is the most hideous thing in the universe... Thank the goddesses I'm not like you..." TMS laughed.

"You... You... CHILD!" Odera roared.

Without warning Bowser let out a firey breath, scorching the young woman. "Bwah ha ha ha... You like that?"

"Take this!" Makina hurled the sphere.

"You... You..."Odera uttered several curses at Bowser, holding her half burnt face.

"Chimu?" Yuku asked.

"Gotchya..." TMS held his hands high and then held them straight out from his shoulders. He began to spin around. "Fire circle blaze!"

Yuku held her sword up, "Ice beam!"

Odera stood with her mouth gaping as the attacks hit her simultaneously. The extremes of an absolute zero attack and one as blazing hot as the sun would be too much for anything but a Kasara-Chiri to take, and it would leave a Kasara-Chiri weak. Her horrifying shriek echoed in the building and the pain was intensified for she had wronged on sacred ground. Holding her face with both her hands, she shouted "I will be back!" she then ran away.

TMS turned to Yuku, "Now... Who are you?"

"I'm your aunt... You wouldn't know me though..." Yuku smiled.

"My... Aunt?"

"Your mother's sister..."

"My mother had no family..."

"Well, I was... Can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah, sure..."

"I'm also your Great Grand Uncle's mother..."

"You mean that..." TMS was shocked.

"Mm-hm... The man you're fighting is your cousin and your uncle... Did you not know that the Kasara-Chiri's married into their own family?"

"My father... He..."

"He married from the second house... Besides... Your genetics are only half Kasara-Chiri... The only royal blood in you is your mother's... You're Mushroomer royalty of the Kasara-Chiri type.... Just as I am... The only full blooded Kasara-Chiri existing in this time period is Racku... He's half Starian royalty... Half Mushroom royalty... Both sides of the Kasara-Chiri... He has the strength of the first and the cunning of the second... The power of both..."

"How?" TMS fell to his knees, almost ready to begin sobbing.

"You descended from Nathan... He was the son of Odera and her former husband... There is one more Kasara-Chiri who is not my son, but is my Ara's... Please... If you find him, help him... He has more to deal with than you do..." she leaned down and kissed TMS on the forehead before disappearing.

‘My aunt... How is this possible?'


‘He got rid of Soralin... And defeated my accursed mother...' Racku rubbed his chin. ‘Have I underestimated him?'

Peach's hand settled on Racku's shoulder, "My lord Utuha... We're soon to have visitors..." Her fingers touched something metal and loose and she looked down. "What's this chain?"

"Don't touch it, please..." Racku swiftly pulled it out from under her touch. The sun pendant at the end of it jangled against the metallic white armor. "It's more sacred than life to me..."

Peach nodded understanding. She once had such a thing, but it had been lost.

"There is only one other anything like it..." he cradled the pendant in his hand, "The other is the star pendant of the second house... This is the sun pendant of the first..."

"Wait..." TMS stopped the party's march toward the Cathedral of the White-Winged Angel.

"What?" Jon asked.

"This thing is choking me..." TMS pulled the necklace off.

"It's beautiful..." Dinogirl remarked.

"It's pure gold and a family heirloom..." TMS held out his palm with the necklace in it. "See the star shaped pendant? It signifies that..."

"You descend from Kasara-Chiri royalty of the Mushroom Kingdom..." Bowser snorted at the look on TMS's face. "I'm not completely ignorant, Prince of Staria... and you do know that Racku is the King of Staria, don't you? That little star pendant won't save you..."

"Well what're we all standing around for?!" TMS fumed and then continued the walk.
Part 9: Racku's Victory?!

TMS marched in and saw a single beam of light shining down from the stain glass window onto the relative he had a cold hatred for. Racku turned around, yet his gaze seemed to look through the boy he had called forth. "It's over Racku. You can't run forever."

"To run implies fear... Fear implies mortality... How I wish I had fear." Racku closed his chilling red eyes and opened the white wings on his back.

‘He sounds different now... Who am I facing?' TMS fixed his gaze upon the young man before him. "I just want to know one thing... What is your problem?"

"You wouldn't understand if I told you... My only freedom is available from your death... I'm sorry it has to be this way..."

"You're the king of Staria... Have you realized that? You out rank me in both age and power..."

"I don't care... I never wanted the throne anyways... It was to be forced upon me... I've just now come to my wits... I'm sorry about everything..." With that, the fire haired one turned back.

"C'mon kid! What're you waiting for?! Kill him! He's a murderer and a thief!" Bowser roared.

"Hold your tongue, Koopa... Racku?" TMS walked forward, then rested his hand on Racku's shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Racku cried out, pushing TMS's hand off. All of a sudden a blast of power filled the room.


TMS awoke in the clothing of a bard. It was a bright cheerful outfit. He found a lute leaning against his bed. "How...?"

"Well, about time you woke up! You slept in your clothes again, too!"Dinogirl sighed.

"Huh? What am I doing here? Why do I have an instrument?"

"Well duh! You're a traveling bard! I'm your lovely and talented accompanyist! You know, other people pay better than you do!"

"Why are you in my room?" TMS asked, the haziness beginning to clear from his mind.

"Well, Chimu... To waken you for our preformance... Thank you for coming to your senses..."

TMS hopped out of bed, "Right... The King..."

As TMS having left for the audience chamber approached the throne he felt the crawling sensation that evil was about to befall him. One look at the king sent, in a blast, his true memory of why he was here. ‘Racku... Racku is king...'

The piercing red eyes fixed upon TMS, ‘He should remember by now... It was almost impossible for me to rid him of all his worries for one moment... This is the world he wants after all...'

‘How can I possibly fight him if he can not only rearrange the dimension but make me believe I'm someone else?'They just stood there, gazes fixed upon each other, their thoughts continuing. Racku finally spoke up, "You are the bard correct?"

"No... I am not a bard... Not even remotely close... You know who I am."

"Chimu! What're you doing?!"Dinogirl shouted.

"C'mon! We're outta here!" TMS grabbed Dinogirl's arm and managed to pull her out of the castle.

"Can you tell me exactly what I'm doing here..." Dinogirl asked, shaking her head as if coming out of a daze.

"Racku transformed the dimension and then erased our memories... I have an idea though... If we find everyone else and help them regain their memories, we should be able to initiate the most powerful attack a mortal can use against a Kasara-Chiri in his own turf... Dream Wall... It'll make it so he has no power over the dimension..."


‘He looks so like you... Father... I curse that evil wench Odera! I miss you everyday and it pains me to know I was the one blamed for your death when it was HER. Now she torments me.' Racku looked down. He remembered a time when he was happy and carefree. He hadn't been too oftly old and his father's embrace was protective of him.


There across the horizon was a red castle and TMS recognized the dragon circling it. Running with Dinogirl following, he knew this was his next destination.


‘ My lady... Someone approaches...Should I scorch them?' The dragon asked. It was obviously Smash.

"Hm... No... Leave this one... I have the feeling that this one has something interesting to say..." The red clothe draped figure stretched. She was pale skinned with deep blue eyes and violent red hair.

At that moment TMS hit the stairs and came flying up in a hurry. "Smash!"

‘ Huh? How do you know my name?' Smash asked.

"It's me! TMS!"

The pupils of Smash's eyes became smaller, suddenly he transformed human. "What am I doing here? I thought..."

"We were in the final battle... Racku threw us out to this dimension..."

"Interesting..." the lady in red sat up.

"Do I know you? You look oftly familiar..." TMS frowned.

Smash circled the lady, then put his hand on her shoulder. "It's Gill."

"That's right! I'm the red sorceress Gillian and you are trespassin-.."

"Ssh..." Smash said and she instantly fainted. He picked her up in his arms.

"What'd you do to her?" TMS asked.

"Minor sleep spell... She's too changed to realize who she is right now..."


At that moment Dinogirl chose to grace them with her presence.

"Hello, hello." Smash greeted. "Having a little gathering, eh?"

TMS ignored Smash, walking over to the edge and grasping the railing with his hands. ‘ What dark insanity could bring a man to such a thing? What torture must be endured to drive someone to a hatred of life? I must know... ' Suddenly he was enveloped in a mental vision.

‘ I am your only hope... I am the savior of Plit.' It was Racku with his back turned to TMS. He wore a white and gold tunic and he seemed to stand where TMS had thought himself moments ago. TMS reached out his hand and touched Racku's shoulder. He was surprised as brown eyes met his, not the light red he had been expecting. ‘ I am the truth.'

TMS came out of the daze to find his hand touching air before the rail. ‘ What is happening? Is the legend coming to life? The hero has arrived? If so, I must save him from himself...'

"Something wrong?" Smash inquired.

"No... Just lost in an ocean of thought..." he put his hand to his chin, ‘ I will save you... You, my only family... The true King of Staria and hero of the people... Savior of the planet... I shall forgive you for now I understand...' He sighed, "Let us depart and find the others..."


Racku leaned on the balcony railing of the castle he was king of. ‘ He ran off... Strange...' He became lost in his memories. His eyes began to sting as he recalled the day they had become the haunting red they were now.

‘ RACKU!' Odera had screamed.

He had looked up just in time to be hit by a powerful darkness blast and then go tumbling several feet landing in a crumpled ball holding his face.

‘ Get up you ungrateful child. You have training and I heard about you going with your father to his business meeting last night. You're in trouble, boy.' She kicked him in the side hard.

‘ I can't... My head hurts...' He had replied.

‘ Excuses...' She had pulled him up, pushing his hands away from his face and had been greeted by a magic power she had never seen before pulsating in his eyes that caused them to glow red. ‘ What?!'

‘ That doesn't look good, mother... Perhaps you should let me take care of him?' Nathan had grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him away. His eyes had never been right since. They had once been a deep and emotion-filled brown, now they were the chilled haunting red of a cold dead heart.

‘ It's all her fault...' Racku thought. Then he caught sight of TMS. He looked small, a young boy standing on the balcony of a castle so far away he should have been a speck. His hand was reached out and his eyes were glazed over. ‘ What's he doing?'

Racku leaned forward trying to see better and then TMS came out of his seemed trance, said something and then departed with three companions, one unconscious.


Gillian's eyes fluttered open. "What?" She rubbed her eyes. "Oh... Smash..."

"How's the memory, Gill?" TMS asked.

"I'm ok... I think... I'm rather sure I can walk, Smash."

Smash shrugged and set her down. He didn't let her out of his sight until he was sure she was alright though.

"What did he do to me?" Gillian asked holding up her hand. She seemed fascinated by the pale peach skin. "I'm.. Human..."

"He's pretty powerful and I think he specializes in transformation..." TMS frowned.

"Something wrong?" Gill asked.

"We've got a change of plans... Our goal is no longer the destruction of Racku... It is the rescue..."

"Rescue? Of Peach you mean?"

"No... Racku..."

"From who?"

"Himself... Trust me on this... The world would be in trouble without him..."

"Trouble without him? I would only think it'd be trouble to have him..."

"Trust me."

It was a slow process regaining each part member, but slowly they recruited them and at last the journey was about to come to an end. ‘How I wish this decision would never pass...


Racku turned around and waited, his eyes followed the path of the adventurers as they entered. He continued standing at the balcony even as the door to the room he was in opened. "You've come to kill me, but first you must catch me..."

"Quickly! Think of any wish and dream you've ever had!" TMS cried out.

The first to respond was Bowser ‘ Peach and Clawdia... I want them both to love me... I want to be the most powerful being in the world... I want vengeance... I want love... I want to live forever... I want life... I want the planet to thrive... I want it under my rule...' his thoughts and dreams and wishes continued to flow.

‘ I want the fabled Happily Ever After... I want to be a great sorceress and mage... I want to be Smash's forever and always... I want the fairy tale of golden peace... I want to unite the three kingdoms... I want to beat my sisters...' Gillian's thoughts joined in.

‘I want to finally get things right... I want the life I've always dreamed of... I want a handsome prince... I want a fairy tale life... I want to be beautiful and glamorous... I want to know where I'm going... I want to be a winner... I want to be the greatest being to ever live...' Makina closed her eyes.

"No." Racku cut the Dream Wall spell short with one word that sliced through the thoughts of all. "You don't need that silly spell. Besides, did you really think it'd work?"

"How?" TMS stood stunned.

"I'm not some silly school boy getting kicks from his magic... Whatever made you think I was? My mission is to rid myself of my mother. To do so I must rid the world of you. I suppose just so I'm not wasting their time... I'll allow them to fight..." Racku paused to think, "Ah... Yes... My final minion... Daren Koopa..."

"WHAT?!" Bowser yelled at the top of his lung, "THAT'S MY BROTHER! ARE YOU SAYING MY BROTHER SIDED WITH YOU?!"

"Well, someone in the family had to get the brains... It certainly wasn't you..." Racku then waved his hand, "Shoe, shoe... Daren's right through that door."


"Welcome little Brother... Such a pity you didn't think and refuse that child... We could be fighting on the same side... Though I doubt it would've worked..." Daren turned the chair around. He was bulky with thick black hair that was strangely more manageable than Bowser's. His eyes were a near white blue within darkness. He raised on clawed hand, balled into a fist and pounded it on the desk he was seated at. "Who first? Who first? Ridding myself of three family members! Don't think I didn't recognize you Dinogirl and you too Gillian... A daughter and a niece... What fun!"

"Wretched creature... I dread calling you my father..." Dinogirl clenched her teeth.

"You attempted to kill my mother... You murdered my father... For that I can not forgive you, Evil Uncle..." Gillian was angry now, but still attempted to keep some control over her emotions. She didn't want to return to her former way of life. Living on the moment, jumping from one emotion to the next. Smash had helped her overcome that her greatest fault.

"Well, well... I hear you're not into the Koopas, Gill... What is it? A Dragon? Half Dragon?" Daren snickered.

"He is my only love, and your cruel and twisted heart would not understand!"

"This is my battle. It's always been my battle. You tried to have me killed, brother... You tried to kill my children..." Bowser once again added with pure hatred, "Brother. You killed Eon... You attempted to kill Corola... You use Aden as a shield... I can accept them, for they are what family should be... But you... You are loathsome scum..."

"I'm glad you finally realized that, Bowser... But I'm not the stupid one... I am the most powerful... You didn't think I'd side with this Starian madman for nothing, did you? He promised me unbelievable power! And now, I am the greatest of all Koopas!"


"This room is the battle field..." as Racku said that, the illusionary wall that had been on the right end disappeared, turning the room into a large battlefield.

TMS took note of the flaming fire design on the blackened right half of the room and finally the patterns of light rays on the white left end. "You think yourself the righteous one of this battle?"

"I consider myself of more virtue than you. I am the prince of light and justice... I bring order to chaos... Or so it is rumored I am suppose to... Ah, being a legend isn't so grand..."

"Then forget the legends... You can return to the kingdom you once knew with me..."

"I can't do that... How I wish I could... She'd haunt me for eternity then... The face that lies beyond death..."



"So be it then... We will battle..."

"By the way..." Racku turned around, his red hair seeming on fire as he looked out the window, "That new form of yours was only ever discovered by one other person and it's called the True Prince Form... That one other person was me..."

"Then you'd agree to fight me as such..." A light breeze wafted in as TMS transformed, it was not the usual gust.

"If you insist..." Cherry blossoms floated in and suddenly it seemed he were staring a new opponent in the eyes. The eyes were a warm brown tinged with that horrible eerie red. "Fighting for love and freedom, I am the former prince."

"Fighting for the future and justice, I am the true prince. Fire Essence!" TMS called the power to his hands.

"Light Shield!" The room blazed with a white light and Racku seemed a pale figure trapped in it. His hair, once a wild cape of bloody curls after being unleashed from it's braid, now seemed a brand of purity, white as the first snow.

Then TMS saw it, it was strange that he hadn't seen it before. It was a spirit form of Odera. She was a vapor ghost, making her look like some Arabian djinni (or genie). Her arms were draped around Racku's neck and she was whispering things in his ear. Finally, he saw the true Racku as well. Racku did not look evil or at all angry, he looked sorrowful and almost frightened. He was certainly disgusted by all the killing he had to do. Was all this death just to satiate Odera? She seemed a fiendish devil of a woman who would allow her son... no... Her step-son to wallow in the blood of those who stood in her way... To make him take the blame that rightfully belonged to her.

‘ That's right, Racku... Kill him... Do as I say...' Odera looked up and realized TMS could see her. ‘ Not possible... How can a mortal of flesh and blood see a dream spirit?! N-no! How is it things never go my way?!'

TMS walked forward, allowing the fire essence to disintegrate in his hands. It hurt him greatly, allowing a powerful magic to return, as all returned magic hurt. He knew he most likely would lose if he battled Racku now.

‘ What is he doing?' Racku allowed his shield to disappear as TMS walked closer.

"Hold still..." TMS reached out and grabbed one of Odera's hands. He knew it would seem strange to Racku, but he had to get rid of this awful witch who controlled the man who would become the hero of all. ‘ This is my destiny...'

‘ No... It can't be... The Osa Kala Ni Chi? The being with the heart of a child and the power to see truth?! This ruins my plans! Wait a second... I'm seeing this the wrong way... This is better than planned...' Odera grinned and grabbed hold of TMS.

TMS felt about ready to faint as the power over came him. He knew what was happening. He had taken away from Racku the haunting curse. Now he would be the one to pay. He looked up with his now red tinged blue eyes. They were almost purple around the edges. They met a solid brown that looked rather surprised.

"What have you done?" Racku backed up. "You... You took her away... I can't let you do that! She'll kill you!"

"Don't worry about me... You're the important one..." TMS rubbed his forehead. ‘ How can he take this pain? It takes an iron will just to not burst out crying...'

"Alright then... The least I can do to repay you is forfeit the battle... I have no reason to fight anymore..." Racku returned to his original form, except now his eyes were brown.

"Good..." TMS nearly fainted once more as he returned to his normal form. His eyes were tinted with the eerie red to a frightening purple.


"What?" Daren felt a sudden power loss from the room next door. "He forfeited?!"

Bowser looked up from his position on the floor. He was almost sure he was as good as dead. His spinal cord had been broken in half and he knew it. A million thoughts passed through his mind as he relived the good and bad of his life. "Daren..." He breathed heavily, "I'm sorry about when we were kids... I forgive you for Eon..."

"Wh-what?" Daren looked at his brother strangely, "After twenty-five years of deserting me, leaving me in the dust... Denying that I'm even related to you... You finally say you're sorry?! I am the older brother here! I should have been the one to desert you! No, you were always the most difficult! You sided with Eon in everything! No... No... I can never forgive you... You've won this battle, but the war isn't over, Bowser Koopa." Daren stormed off.

"But it is..." Bowser whispered. "Congratulations..."

"UNCLE DAREN!" Gillian called after him.

Daren turned to look at Gillian, "What do you want?! You've all forsaken me, so what can you possibly want from the outcast?!"

"He's dying... Have you no love for your own family?" Gillian wiped away a few tears as she kneeled beside her young uncle. "I can't do anything... I'm so sorry..."

"What?! No! No! We still have so much more to fight about!" Daren was instantly by Bowser's side. "You can't do this to me..."

At that moment the door opened. In a strange almost golden ray of light, Racku walked in. The beautiful light was spoiled as TMS stepped in, blocking the doorway. It was dark in the room and TMS's eyes seemed to glow an eerie purple.

"Racku... You have to help him... I know you can..." Daren looked up and was surprised by the wonderous brown eyes set in the same face he had associated with the cruel red eyes.

"This is my fault..." Racku joined those kneeling beside Bowser.

‘ Oh great... He's gonna bring the idiot back...' Blackbelt thought to himself.

A light filled the entire room. As it faded, TMS casually pulled his hair back, taking a wrap out of his pocket and putting it back in it's normal ponytail. "It's about time you fixed my hair..."

Blackbelt looked down at himself seeing that Gillian was once again a koopa. "I'm a human again..." He felt an emptiness within him as he realized this. "Please... Change me back..."

Gillian focused on her snout, "Hey! What'd you do?! My face isn't right! My snout's too short!"

"I'm sorry... It's the best I could do to reverse my spell..." Racku stood up and waved his hand before Blackbelt's face, changing him back to a koopa. "You can stand up Bowser..."

"Hello?" the voice echoed through the room, "I'm sorry... I seem to have gotten lost..." It was Peach.

Walking slowly, Racku reached her and hugged her, gently placing a kiss on her cheek. "I'm sorry..."

Memories slowly flooded into Peach's mind of everything that had happened. "Racku..."

"Peach..." Bowser stood up, "It's ok... We made it here and TMS defeated Racku... Take my hand..." he reached his hand out for hers.

"I can't..." Peach ran a hand across Racku's cheek. "I'm sorry Bowser, but I'm afraid I've fallen in love with someone..."With that she pulled Racku into a kiss.

***Six Months Later***

Things had been peaceful and all had died down. The pain TMS had first felt from taking on Odera and freeing Racku had slowly diminished and he had to wonder if he in fact was the stronger one. He was rather certain this whole ordeal was over with, but still felt uncomfortable as he sat at the wedding in the robes of the Starian Prince.

"You may kiss the bride..." the starian priest watched as Racku and Peach kissed. "May I be the first to present to you, Mr and Mrs Racku Kasara-Chiri..."

Bowser watched, and sighed. "The better man won... Oh well..."

"Don't write me off, yet Bowser Koopa... You've still got a Mrs. Bowser Koopa, remember..." Clawdia kissed Bowser and several of the Koopalings groaned in disgust.

"I shall have to study the subject of love more..." Ludwig stated. "Care to help me, Karma?"

"What?" Karma was surprised as Ludwig kissed her.

"Eeew!" Larry covered his eyes, "All this kissing is making me sick!"

"Have some more so you will get sick!" Wendy leaned over and kissed her younger brother.

As the people dispersed, the throbbing of magic returned painfully to TMS eyes. "Oh no..."


Author- TMS

Character Creators-

Mewd - Mewd
Smash Sumashi- Smash
Sandslash (Mentioned) - Sandslash (SS)
Makina - Matthew Villani (MV)
Aleth Yoshpan - Aleth
Blackbelt Koopa - Blackbelt (BB)
Gillian - TMS *Note* She was not so recently given to Smash
Jon - Jon
Dinogirl - Dinogirl (DG)
Daren Koopa - TMS *Note* Special thanks to Mewd for helping create his bio!
Racku Kasara-Chiri - TMS *Note* Thanks to all my friends who preread each part and gave suggestions!

Special Thanks-

Mewd - A great friend and fellow author... (Pointless Information) You're at his site right now! (End Pointless Information) Thanks for permission for using your character as well!
Jon - For sarcastic remarks and both funny and unfunny jokes as well as comments on the story. Of course for the use of his character as well.
Dinogirl- For comments and character use.
Stoker Bramwell/ King Bowser - For comments and support. Remember, don't taunt the octopus! (Shameless Plug) Visit his site!! (End Shameless Plug)
Makina PKA Matthew Villani - Thanks for use and twisting of your character!
Smash - For his enthusiasm with this story, the use of his character and his friendship.
Sandslash - Well, he may have only been mentioned in the story, but I'd like to thank him for being OK with being mentioned in it...
Lemmy - For accepting this story at his site. (Shameless Plug) Visit his site! (End Shameless Plug)


65656 letters

14283 words

1191 sentences

652 paragraphs

41 pages

Not counting the credits and this stuff!
